How We
Tom and Rae met in 2015 when Rae started working at Trent Vineyard whilst doing her discipleship year. On her first shift she was introduced to all the staff, once she’d got her bearings and met all the other staff her boss pointed to Tom, sat at the sound desk cup of tea in hand. “This is Tom, he’s the sound tech, he doesn’t talk much so don’t expect much from him”. Now, Rae being Rae the challenge was set, she would befriend this Tom guy, she would make him talk! With this and a spring in her step she bounced over to the sound desk and in a loud Scottish voice announced “i love this stuff”, and that was that, the ice was broken and they began talking. It didn’t take long to establish their common interests, church, photography, production AV, it seemed like the list was endless. They soon became inseparable, chatting everyday, hanging out every evening and praying together whenever possible.
It later turned out that they had met weeks before officially meeting. Rae was working as a key holder for the church so would walk around unlocking the building in the morning, she would meet this guy in the auditorium in the dark and they would happily greet each other as they passed. Now depending on which story you hear that moment is either described as “there was this really lovely guy who would greet me every morning in the dark” or “he was the creepy guy walking around in the dark!”. Either way, it’s quite funny!

How it continued
Fast forward a few months and Tom needed help in his other job with pulling electrical cables, Rae never to be one to back down from a challenge jumped at the chance to learn a new skill and prove that she could do it! Since then they have worked together almost everyday. Even when they moved companies they were working for, somehow they ended up back together working side by side.
In 2017 they started renovating a house together and this gave them a new view on life, a dream for a business was born, a business that would see God in the workplace, a building site, an industry dominated by the secular world. In early 2019 they did it. They quit their jobs and setup a business providing full property renovations. Although this had its moments it was clear God was in the centre and that they could weather any storm with him by their side.
Besides running the business they are heavily involved in the production team at church, enjoy random drives exploring the country and day trips to various places and events.

In 2022 they took a holiday to Poole, a few days away from work, a little bit of respite. They set about planning their week and decided that they would love to go to Durdle door to photograph the sunset on the beach. Little did Rae know that Tom had already planned this, chosen and purchased a ring and was silently hoping that Rae would agree to his crafty idea! After a small hike down a very steep cliff they found the spot, cut open a pork pie and setup the cameras. After a while the sun started to set and the cameras were clicking away, frame by frame, shot by shot. Tom suggested that since it was quiet it would be a good idea to take a photo on timer of them. After a couple of “test” photos the scene was set, Tom triggered the camera and ran to Rae, dropping to one knee and quickly muttering some words he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. Rae was taken aback but said yes! That was it, photo captured, engagement locked in and two people ecstatic that the future was now; wedding planning could officially begin.
Next stop, the wedding!
Celebrate With Us!
Please RSVP by 14th April 2023